Roll out the pastry and use to line a 16 cm. pie plate. Save the left- over pastry for the lattice strips. Prick the bottom of the pie with a fork. It is a good idea to put the pie shell in the fridge while making the filling to prevent shrinkage when cooking.
Warm the syrup over a gentle heat and add the bread crumbs and grated lemon rind. Mix well and spoon into the pastry case. (The amounts given above are quite flexible depending on what thickness you want the filling to be. However, the mixture should be fairly dry. Also the sweetness depends on the amount of lemon juice added to the filling.)
Roll out the remaining pastry and cut into strips; use these to create a twisted, lattice design of your choice on the top of the tart.
When the lattice strips are in place, decorate the sides of the plate with a fork, being sure to press the ends of the lattice well in. (I brush them with a little cold water to make sure they stick.)
If you want a golden crust, brush the pastry with a little beaten egg and bake in the oven at 190C for 25-30 minutes until the pastry is crisp and golden.