Our Favourite Pork Belly Recipes

Tags: BBQ | Pork |

Pork belly is quickly becoming one of the most popular cuts of meat in kiwi households, and its easy to see why – its cheaper than some other cuts of pork and its packed full of flavour! Its not as easy to cook as some other kinds of meat you might be used to – its fattier (which benefits from slower cooking methods) as well as having a nice skin which produces crackling (which needs high heat).

Below are some of our favourite pork belly recipes.

Easy Pork Belly Recipe

Easy Pork Belly

Our first pork belly recipe is really simple – its designed to help you cook the perfect pork belly the classic way – soft and succulent meat and a really crispy crackling.

This recipe has no sauces or accompaniments, so you can customise and add to it with whatever flavours and side dishes you like.

Easy Pork Belly Recipe


BBQ Pork Belly Recipe

The secret to good pork belly is often high heat and a dry environment – which makes it a perfect dish for a charcoal BBQ.

We’ve tried a few different recipes but we keep coming back to our favourite, which is nice and simply and not to fiddly, which is perfect for keeping the heat in the charcoal BBQ!

This recipe also uses a spice rub, which is a great way to add flavour – we’d love to hear your favourite spice rub recipes.

BBQ Pork Belly Recipe


Chinese Pork Belly Recipe

Asian Pork Belly

This recipe takes a different approach, slowly poaching the pork belly, and then crisping it up later with other sauce ingredients.

Asian Pork Belly Recipe


So how do you like your pork belly? Got a great recipe you don’t see here, or seen or heard about something and you want us to investigate and create a recipe for you? Get in touch with us today – we’d love to hear from you!

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