Got a better recipe for light snacks you’d like to share? Head over to our Submit Your Favourite Recipe page and let us know – if it looks good to us you just might see it feature below!
Course: Snacks Recipes
Easy Caramel Popcorn
This simple caramel popcorn recipe is a crowd favourite at snack time, if you’re feeling a little naughty. Sure, it’s not exactly a health kick, but it’s definitely tasty enjoyed… [Continue Reading]
Delicious Grape Cake
Wine is fine, but it’s not all that grapes are good for! This grape cake is a delicious dessert (especially served warm) or a morning or afternoon tea served like… [Continue Reading]
Heavenly Banana Muffins
This is the sort of recipe to have around when you get one of those calls to say you’re getting visitors in a few minutes… as everyone loves a banana… [Continue Reading]
The Best Chocolate Chip Biscuits Ever
This is an old family recipe, but is a real hit. The difference with these biscuits is that they are very buttery and therefore not traditionally as sweet as your… [Continue Reading]
Fruity Anzac Biscuits
This recipe uses the traditional Anzac biscuit recipe, but they are full of green and red glazed cherries and cashew nuts. This transforms this traditional biscuit into something a little… [Continue Reading]
Afghan Biscuits
A kiwi classic – try this to make your own Afghan biscuits! This recipe uses weetbix as one of the main binding agents, to get that classic taste and help… [Continue Reading]
Simple Biscuits
This recipe is really simple, and provides a simple biscuit that everybody enjoys. The recipe is from the classic Edmonds Cookbook, and can be baked really quickly when unexpected visitors… [Continue Reading]
Delicious Chicken Rolls
A great alternative to asparagus rolls for fussy eaters, and a great way to use up leftover cooked chicken. Easy to assemble and guaranteed to be a crowd pleaser!
Marbled Chocolate and Cream Cheese Brownies
A twist on the usual chocolate brownie, this one has cream cheese for added richness.
Mini Stuffed Potatoes
These are a great appetiser or snack for parties, as they can be made in a big batch, and they taste amazing.